A Small Leap

Keep in mind that nothing is irreversible. Walls can easily be repainted if the color turns out to not be to your liking. That pendant light that was not exactly what you were expecting might be great in another room or application. A chair you ordered that is not as comfortable as you had hoped can be altered to make it so. There is always a solution.
If you happen to be risk adverse, risks can be mitigated and educated decisions can be made. If you are unsure of a new furniture arrangement, try mocking it up with your existing furniture and test driving it. If you cannot decide on a paint color, get a few sample pots and try a large swath of each color you are contemplating on your walls and live with them for a few days. If you are having trepidation about a fabric choice, go ahead and purchase a yard of it and drape it over the chair in question to get a better feel for the proposed transformation. If you would like to better envision the backsplash tile pattern, print out color copies of the tiles and tape them up where they are to be installed.
Look around your rooms and mentally note what brings you delight. Besides the most sentimental of objects, they are usually ones that we were hesitant about purchasing; that we passed on and decided to go back for; or that we took the leap and tried. We often hear, “I am so glad you pushed me to go with that [fill in the blank]. I was a little reluctant, but I just love it.” Deep down, most of us would like to be adventurous, but sometimes it is a bit scary.
When working with a professional interior designer, you have the comfort of someone to lean back on. They have the skill to envision the concept or they probably would not be in the profession. They have worked for years making these very kinds of decisions every day, all day. If you have a hard time envisioning a space, as most do, ask your professional for a rendering, photo montage or sketch showing the proposals at hand.
Our interiors are our personal canvases, not finished works, where we can explore, rearrange, try out and test different aspects of our personalities. They are to be kept in motion and evolving to fit our needs and tastes. All decisions need not be risky, but go ahead and move out on that branch a little to see what happens. Warning: Could be habit forming.